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- Goji Berry Fruit, Lycium Barbarum, berries, HERB TM
Goji Berry Fruit, Lycium Barbarum, berries
Catholics, Goji Berry, Goutsi, Imperial fruit
100 grams in a sealed original packaging
Original Chinese Goji berries, herbs, fruit
Lycium Barbarum
We would like to emphasize that our packs 100 grams are
with fruits, with high quality and large
Goji Berry plant grows in the foothills of the Himalayas and its fruits are very healthy. Until recently, the best source of vitamin C citrus fruits are considered. Once the fruits Godzhi berry were tested was found that they contain 450 times more vitamin C from citrus fruits. Due to this fact there is no other studied plant that can naturally give you such amounts of vitamin C. In China there is a legend that centenarians in the Himalayas feed precisely with lycium. So if you want to live over 100 years, you can now combine business with pleasure, as well as being incredibly healthy, Goji berry are delicious - orange-red fruit with raspberry flavor.
Action: purifies the body from toxic substances. Useful herb for the liver, kidneys, eyes, strengthens the body and provides energy. Suitable for nausea, dizziness, vertigo, tired eyes, diminished vision, tinnitus, pain in the back and waist in diabetes. There are proven for high blood sugar and blood fat, high cholesterol. Suitable for cold and deficiency - contains large amounts of vitamins. C. Strong increases immunity, especially in regular admission. Recommended therapy two months to restore the body, revitalize the skin and cleanse the liver of accumulated toxins, preferably goji berries to be directly as food or alcoholic tincture, not like a tea.
Directions: * Can be eaten directly or after soaking in lukewarm water for 10 minutes 20-30 grams daily before meals. * From the fruits of Goji berry alcohol extract is prepared 50 g fruit pour in 250 g alcohol 7 days in the dark. Then continue to soak the fruits, but you can every day cast 2-3 teaspoons of tincture diluted in 1 cup water dose a day. * You can also prepare infusions, 2 tablespoons boiled fruit lycium 500 ml of water for 10-15 minutes. This dosage is used for 1 day.
Manufactured by: Herb Ltd.