Herbal Slimming Tea, Slimming Tea, Herbal Tea Blend, HERB TM

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Herbal Slimming Tea

Herbal Slimming Tea

Fr. Foeniculi (fennel seeds)
Ononis spinosa L. (Spiny Restharrow root)
Fl.Malvae (mallow flower)
Fl. Uvae-ursi (bearberry leaf)
Fl. Lavandulae (lavender flower)
Fol. Seniiae (senna leaf)
Cort. Frangulao (buckthorn bark)
Rad. Riiei (rhubarb root)
Fl. Rosae (red rose flower)

Indications:In chronic constipation and obesity, for weight loss. The combination of herbs  extracts fatty deposits from the body cells. Has a beneficial laxative effect.

Usage:Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 250 ml of boiling water. Drink the whole amount at night before bedtime.

Manufactured by: Herb  Ltd.

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