17 herbs for weight loss Tea, Herbal Tea Blend, HERB TM

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Detox tea - herbal mixture - loose herbal tea

17 Herbs for Weight Loss Tea (R) 

Detox tea - herbal mixture - loose herbal tea

"17 herbs for weight loss" is a registered trademark of Herbs Ltd

Hypericaceae perforazium /yellow flower/ - stem
  Flax - seed
  White Horehound - stem
  Мelissa herb
  Mallow - leaf and flower
  Hawthorn red - leaf and flower
  Hop cones
  Anise - seed
  Verbena - stem
  Fennel - seed
  Yellow melilot - stem
  Agrimoniya - stem
  Nettle - leaf
  Nettle - root
  Mint - leaf
  Chicory - stem

Indications:In high blood pressure, obesity, liver problems. In increased excitability of the nervous system, anxiety, insomnia.

Effect:Acts to reduce cholesterol, for weight loss, weight reduction. Soothes, balances the nervous system and promotes a better and deeper sleep. Has prominent detoxifying effect, purifies the blood, liver /blood forming organs/ regulates metabolism and endocrine glands. Has cholagogue effect. Normalizes high blood pressure /decreasing/.

Directions for use according to the recipe of Dimitar Krastev:

Boil 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of the herb mixture in 500 ml of boiling water for 6-10 minutes. Strain and you may add little cold water to 500 ml. Divide the resulting amount into three parts. Drink 150 ml three times a day 20 minutes before meals. In the morning 150 ml add tablespoon of honey - it's the breakfast. At lunch -  drink 150 ml infusion and after 20 minutes start normal meal without overeating. During the meals drink 250 g of tomato juice.

20 minutes before dinner drink 150 ml of the tea. Partake a light meal - steamed vegetables, without bread and sweetmeats.

You should drink the herbal infusions and tomato juice every day until you get the desired effect of reducing weight.

Spirit infusion: Put the herbal mixture in a glass container with a lid and pour 40 ° - 50 ° alcohol or brandy in following proportion: on 100 g herb pour 600 ml alcohol. Put a lid on and leave it in dark place for 7 to 10 days. Then strain and squeeze the herbs. The resulting tincture is applied 20-30 drops 15 minutes before meals in 150 ml of water at room temperature /or under special prescription from the doctor or herbalists/.

Manufactured by: Herb Ltd.

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