White Ginseng, Root dried, Panax ginseng, HERB TM

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White Ginseng, Root dried, Panax ginseng

Ginseng Root White, Panax ginseng С. А. Меу.

Panax ginseng С. А. Меу.

Application: As a tonic in exhaustion, tiredness, mental and muscle weakness, anemia, in sexual impotency, atherosclerosis, etc.

Effect: The roots of ginseng has wide popularity as a tonic in folk medicine of China, Japan and other Far Eastern countries. With the methods of scientific medicine have been proven the peculiar properties of ginseng to balance nerve processes and to boost muscle endurance. Enhances immunity.

Directions: * Prepare alcohol extract from the roots of ginseng in the following manner: put in dark place for 7 days 50 g of dried roots in a 250 ml of brandy or other alcohol. After that the roots continue to soak, but you can draw every day 2-3 teaspoons of the tincture dissolved in 1 cup of water – this is a daily dose.

* You can also prepare infusions: pour on 1/2 teaspoon of finely ground roots 250 or 500 ml of boiling water. This dose is for 1 day.

 * The root can be cut into pieces and chewed at morning time on empty stomach 1/3 teaspoon of the root or when concentration is needed.

Ginseng - recognized herb for health and longevity

Ginseng is called "the root of life". Chinese people say: If there is ginseng there is health – if there is no Ginseng – there is no health! Europeans on the other hand, already acquainted with the power of this miraculous herb, admit: Ginseng is rejuvenating.
Everyone has heard about ginseng. Known for centuries in China and Korea, in the last century it is a hit in the global market for healthy products. For more than a quarter of century ginseng is the main ingredient of specialized sports supplements produced worldwide. Recognized as a strong energogenik and adaptogen.

Ginseng is the herb without which modern man, busy in his everyday life, cannot do. Nowadays we often feel as if we reached the end of our physical and mental strength, we are easily getting tired, we are often irritable and tensed, our attention and memory weaken. This condition is known especially to people in professions with high physical, mental and informational load, to patients suffering from long chronic diseases, to businessmen, managers, students and people involved in complex mentally traumatic life situations.
This is where comes to help the powerful adaptogen ginseng. Its universal healing properties make it applicable for almost all diseases. Ginseng is particularly useful for fatigue and extreme tension. It stops the aging process and disadaptation in the body, gives a powerful impetus for life. Ginseng improves the general condition, reduces depression, stress, headaches, stimulates the heart and brain, improves cell respiration and blood composition, stabilizes heart rhythm.
Interesting with ginseng is that it combines tonic with soothing effect. Along with a sense of alertness during the day, when its used there is a sound sleep as well. This seemingly paradoxical effect of ginseng has an explanation - ginseng enhances cork processes in cerebrum and restore normal physiological integration of inciting and restraining processes in the brain, normalizes biological rhythms and biological clock.

The healing properties of ginseng lie in its root. It grows very slowly, effect for four to six years, and "collects" zhinzenozides, a kind of saponins and glycosides of unique structure and. Only after this period the quantity is enough to have healing effect. Glycosides are the main biologically active component of ginseng. The uniqueness of the glycoside zhinzenin is in its ability to lower the concentration of sugar in the blood and stimulates the synthesis of glycogen. Useful is also essential oils panax, which has the ability to tone the heartbeat and blood vessels. It reduces the feeling of pain and has a sedative effect. Panax acid of the root of ginseng normalizes metabolism and the endocrine system. The herb also contains beneficial alkaloids, enzymes, sugar, pectin substances , vitamin C , vitamin B1 and B2, macro and micro elements .
Ginseng is particularly useful in high (when it is used in high doses) and low (when it is used in low doses) blood pressure. Ginseng is recommended in anemia, arthritis, digestive problems, in syndrome of menopause, in low blood circulation.
Ginseng is useful not only for people in active age, over busy with their work, but also for elderly people - the herb provides new vital strength, increases resistance to diseases, enhancing their chances for active longevity. Because of its supportive effect the root of ginseng is particularly suitable for convalescence. Recommended for hypotension in women.

Studies indicate that ginseng inhibits the development of some cancer cells. The results show that in those taking ginseng as a supplement the probability of developing cancer is twice lesser.
Ginseng helps the muscles to use energy more efficiently. This properties makes it suitable for active sportsmen. It has been categorically proven that ginseng increases physical endurance of the body.

It is not by chance that ginseng is called "male root". Its components affect the smooth musculature and increases the erectile ability. Therefore ginseng is among the recommended by specialists means in erectile dysfunction. Studies indicate that intake leads to increase of testosterone in the body and the amount of sperm. This makes it a good remedy for male infertility.

Manufactured by: Herb Ltd.

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