Kidney Recipe, Tincture 50ml

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Beneficial for the urinary system, in chronic kidney disease diseases and insufficiency, beneficial for kidney-stone disease, at cystitis.
0.140 kg.

Kidney Recipe

Species Diureticae - Tincture 50ml


1ml contains 1ml tincture 1:5 equivalent to 250mg total of herbs: Fol. Uvae-ursi (bearberry leaves), Fol. Betulae (birch leaves), Hb. Equiseti (horsetail stems), Fl. Crataegi (hawthorn color), Stip. Visci albi (white mistletoe handles), I did. Lini (Linseed), Rad. Valerianae (valerian root), Rad. Inulae (roots from White Oman), Sem. Cannabis (hemp seeds), Rad. Ononidis (roots of harrow), Rad. Althaeae (marshmallow root), Rad. Absinthii (Wormwood Roots), Rad. Rhei (rhubarb roots), Hb. Solidaginis (stems of yellow goldenrod), Stip. Cerasorum (cherry handles).


1ml contains equal parts (19 mg) of each herb in the recipe.

Recommended Use:

As a supplement to healthy nutrition take 25 drops dissolved in 150ml water /25 drops = 1 ml/ 3 times daily.


Beneficial for the urinary system, in chronic kidney disease diseases and insufficiency, beneficial for kidney-stone disease, at cystitis.

Single dose content:

250 mg contain equal parts (19 mg) of each herb.

Daily dose content:

750 mgcontain equal parts (57 mg) of each herb.

Nutritional Supplement:

Do not exceed the recommended dose. Do not use in children under 18 years of age. Do not use as a substitute for a varied diet. Keep out of the reach and sight of children.


Glycerin: 49%

Nutritional value:

143 Kkal in 50ml. tincture

Manufactured for:

Bioherba Reichenbach GmbH, Greizer Str. 18B, 08468 Reichenbach, Germany

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