Drops of Bach, Bach flower, Teenagers, 50ml

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Drops of Bach, Bach flower, Teenagers, 50ml
0.130 kg.

Drops of Bach, Bach flower, Teenagers, 50ml

Dr. Bach remedies for adolescents will help teenagers to fit in and gain confidence and insurgents become more moderate.

Contains:Organic alcohol (99.6%), 40% vol. aqueous plant extracts * 0.4% (1/250): Wild oats (Wild oat / Bromusramosus), Gentian / Gentianellaamarella/, Holly (Holly / Ilexaquifolium), Impatiens (Impatiens / Impatiens balsamina), Larch (Larch / Larixdecidua), Mimule (Mimulus / Mimulusguttatus),  Vine / Vitisvinifera/. * Ingredients are from organic farming.

How to use: For specific problems: Take 4 drops when needed.


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