Drops of Bach, Bach flower, CONFIDENCE, 50ml

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Drops of Bach, Bach flower, CONFIDENCE, 50ml
0.130 kg.

Drops of Bach, Bach flower, CONFIDENCE, 50ml

Drops of Bach the Confidence Elixir helps to upgrade faith in you, restore confidence, self-esteem and allows audacity.

Contains: Organic alcohol (99.6%), 40% vol. aqueous plant extracts * 0.4% (1/250): Wild oats sauvage (Wild oat / Bromus ramosus), Hypericaceae perforazium /yellow flower/, Gentian /Gentianella amarella/, Gnavelle (Scleranthus / Scleranthus annuus), Larch (Larch / Larix decidua), Elm (Elm / Ulmus procera), plumbago (Cerato / Ceratostigma wilmottiana).* Ingredients are from organic farming.

How to use: Spray four times in the mouth, as many times as necessary.


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