Sulphur, SULFUR IODATUM, Boiron

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Sulphur, SULFUR IODATUM, Boiron
0.020 kg.
  • Производител: Boiron


Key features:
Ingenuity and itching
Sulphur iodide
The main stress on them is injured pride or hit on the ego. Because of their egocentric nature, almost nothing can affect them, except for the embarrassment and confusion that is also of pride. In some cases you will see people of this type suffer from bad news and horror stories - it stems from the conditional love of their parents. Repressed anger creeping on their skin in the form of itching (irritation) and rashes (anger boiling over).
This basically homeopathic medicine is rich in many different aspects, but it has certain characteristics that are manifested in all its shapes. Almost always, patients of this type have ever suffered from skin rashes to severe itching. They are inquisitive and creative. Their energy is abundant and therefore often exhibit hyperactivity. Self-centeredness is a characteristic feature of their cradle to grave. "I" is the center of the universe - Sulfur perceive other people and things only in their relationship with him. Lazy and messy in the extreme - in their room a mess, but always claim they know exactly where things are. Almost always hungry, but the feeling of emptiness in the stomach they are becoming more sensitive to 11.00 hours in the morning and they often gain weight as a result of frequent snacks. Love sweet things and experiencing intolerance to eggs. Many of them are afraid of heights. Usually they are hot, so dress lightly even in the most extreme cold at night and unscrewing feet. Can be practical and able to do the creative, but also applicable in everyday life work requiring inventive talent. Often have red faces (inner anger unaware), binge drinking, excess energy and a huge appetite. Have extrovert and generous nature, but give in order to get approval - this is their way to attract love. In his childhood these people have learned that to be loved, you can do something special. That is why this dedicate their lives. In company exhibit some clumsiness due naïve belief that always and everywhere are the most important personalities. Can be engineers, surgeons on remote islands, plumbers, carpenters. More impractical among them are deep thinkers, philosophers who are good ideas, but are not so good at implementing them (the second type of suffering from reduced energy). Can be professors, engineers, inventors, researchers, physicists, psychologists, all people of the New Age. They are the ones who are trying to invent a time machine, perpetuum mobile, antigravity devices - everything strange, unusual and would make them known. Associated more with the ideas and theories than with his family. Believe is more intellectual than others and look to the disgust of ordinary "mortals". People of this type can be high, hunched, and often sloppy. They wear sandals even in the winter and often go unwashed and therefore emit an unpleasant odor. Sometimes live in very unsightly homes and their appearance is, too. Attract them self-centered pursuits. Typically made inventions often remain unfulfilled. There are among them drug addicts, visionary lazy students braggarts. Woman type Sulfur is usually tomboy known for his witty and critical remarks. Is intelligent and often play a leading role in the family.
It is easy to find in Sulfur audiences and classrooms. They ask interesting, but purely theoretical questions, and their clothing is eccentric and eye-catching. If you joke with their theories just will not notice it - because they are very absorbed in his own personality, will continue directly to the next question. As children often will cook them to dismantle something to see how it works, then it will flawlessly composed. Usually you do not want to go to bed early so as not to miss the interesting conversations parents. Sulfur children are dirty, curious and self-centered. Boastful.
Key symptoms:
Self-centeredness, selfishness, arrogance. Creative artists. Children interested in art and have a dirty appearance. Forever creating theories. Almost always they are hot, but can also be chilly. Itching and eczema. Collect "useful things". Chew nails. Like fatty meat, sweets, salt, spicy food. Most of them do not tolerate eggs. Scattered. Interested in philosophy.
Trauma as a disease:
Mostly skin problems. This is the type most suffering from itching. Eczema. Alcoholics with red noses. Hemorrhoids.
If the patient has removed most of his rash creams (especially cortisone), be careful when prescribing Sulfur. Ask him to put creams and symptoms observed. If you stop the medication immediately and give homeopathic medicine, the rash can be aggravated by itself, but the charges will fall on you. When treating severe skin problems, be very careful. Do not drive patients abruptly abandon allopathic preparations. Only when you see a definite improvement from the homeopathic medicine, start to decrease until their removal. Any medicine can cure skin diseases, so use Sulfur only where the overall picture corresponds to that described.
The choice of homeopathic medicine, consult your homeopath. Self-medication with homeopathic medicines is not desirable.

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