Swedish Bitter Whole Herb, cut, herb tea, HERB TM

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Swedish Bitters Loose Whole Herb, cut , herb tea

Swedish Bitters - Dry herbal mix, cut 


Aloe- Aloe Capensis
Mira- Mirrha
Saffron- Crocus
Senna- FoliaSennaeTinnevelly
Camphor- CamphoraJaponicaVera
Rootsofangelica- RadixAngelica
Rootsofturmeric- RhizomaZeodoariae
Rootsofrhubarb- RhizomaRheiSinensis
Manna- MannaCanellata
TeriyakiVenetian- TheriakVenezian(ElectuariumTheriaca)
Rootsstemgrille- RadixCarlinae

Method of preparation: Put the herbs /50 g/ into wide-necked bottle or jar with cap and pour with 750 milliliters of 38-40 degrees cereal or fruit brandy, preferably homemade. Leave the bottle to stay for 14 days on sunny or hot place, for example over a heating, and shake it every day.
Before straining and pouring into a small bottle shake again. You can pour out 100 g. The remaining quantity may stay over the herb for indefinite time. Periodically shake if necessary and strain anew 100 grams until it is over.

The ready Swedish Bitters is filling in small dark glass bottles, which are sealed well and stored in a cool place. So one may for years keep this potion - the longer it stays, the more efficient it becomes according to the original manuscript.

Internally : In anemia, stimulates blood circulation, improves breathing in inflammatory diseases, normalizes secretory and motor function of gastrointestinal tract (eliminates stomach cramps and colic, intestinal bloating, constipation); auxiliary means in hemorrhoids, improves the functional state of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas; normalizes distorted regulation of the autonomic nervous system (tremor of the limbs) , stimulates the cell metabolism.
Externally: Antibacterial activity, relieves rheumatic and post-traumatic pain, improves blood flow to the skin and subcutaneous tissue; in toothache.

Manufactured by: Herb Ltd.

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