Bioherba Petitgrain Pure Etheric Oil Bioherba 10ml

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Bioherba Petitgrain Pure Etheric Oil Bioherba 10ml
0.070 kg.

Citrus aurantium

Pure essential oil 10ml


100% petigren essential oil obtained by distillation of the leaves, small twigs, fruits and immature ovaries of the citrus plant - Citrus aurantium. Chemical composition - linalilatsetat, limonene, linalool, geraniol, nerol and others.


antiseptic, antispasmodic, improves digestion, refreshing, stimulating nervous activity, refreshing, deodorizing and others.


For depression, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, stress, acne, excessive sweating, greasy skin and hair.


Not fot use by epileptics, hypertensive children, nursing mothers, pregnant women and for people with individual intolerance to this oil. Phototoxic! The use of the essential oil requires mandatory consultation with a physician or aromatherapist. Internal use - under medical supervision!


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