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  • Производител: Boiron


Key features:
Conscientious assistant
These vulnerable people suffer mostly from disappointments (especially love), grief and sorrows long remembered. Any life tragedies affect them deeply. Badly affected them krritikata, humiliation, rejection, betrayal or infidelity, anxious expectation, bad news, fear, ridicule and contempt.
People type Natrum present in all areas of life, responsible and conscientious helpers for a profession or soul. They are great listeners, but do not know how to share their feelings. Maybe in years to have a friend Natrum and still do not know him. Are reserved. Could be called the closed and secretive. They look strong, because not issue internal bruising. Very often (though not always) function well in society, at school or in the workplace, make an impression of intellectual, communicative and capable professionals. Behind this image, however, lies an extremely vulnerable inner nature. They do not dare to express their feelings for fear of being hurt. In today's world this type occurs quite often. Anchored in its model Natrum people fail to understand from experience the high value of sharing. If you do not receive the homeopathic medicine made from salt, may remain closed for a lifetime. Major trauma, experiencing are related to disappointment, especially love. In fact, due to its easy bruising, Natrum harbor bitterness of insults long time, sometimes a lifetime. In the classical case will say things like: "You forgive but never forget," as though this is the only option. They really believe it, because this is their internal attitude. However, the drug could change it. "Hate" is a favorite word in the vocabulary of these patients, although it usually means simply "do not like".
Key symptoms:
Prefer salty foods. Hate a fat meat and do not eat it. Sometimes love chocolate.
The most common are their suffering headaches and migraines, as well as hay fever (substitute for tears). Direct sunlight or heat strengthened their complaints, especially headaches.
Closed, secretive and vulnerable. Rarely cry in private, not bear to be comforted. Their favorite word is "hate." Long remember the insults and suffer them take responsibility for other people and are good listeners. Quiet and reserved, they prefer to watch the events side, rather than participate in them. They need harmony. In groups sit alone and rarely speak. Love to reach people and get attached strongly, though not shown. Grieve deeply but silently and exhibit many symptoms due to grief. They do not like noise, light and smoke.
Trauma as a disease:
Allergies and eczema, Raznogledstvo. Back pain, which are ameliorated lying on a hard surface. Claustrophobia. Fear of robbers and thieves. Their main symptom was headache, which is suppressed anger exploding in the brain. Not tolerate the sun and the warmth and closeness in relationships (due to the fragile nature). Suffer from postvirusen syndrome, multiple sclerosis and lymphatic fever, particularly in cases of tuberculosis in previous generations. Hay fever (unshed tears). Insomnia due to thinking about the insults of the day. Dryness of the eyes, lips, tongue, vagina, skin. Cold sores and cracked lips.
The choice of homeopathic medicine, consult your homeopath. Self-medication with homeopathic medicines is not desirable.

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