Lavender, Lavandula oficinalis, flower, HERB TM

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LAVENDER FLOWERS Lavandula oficinalis, flower

Lavender, Flower

Lavandula angustifolia Mill.

Lavender – healing properties: Lavender has a calming effect, helps to relieve pain. Usage of lavender can increase the appetite and normalizes the acidity, as well as blood pressure. It is believed that this plant is beneficial for the bile.

In painful migraine, bouts of rheumatic fever, palpitations, irritability and heart - in such cases lavender can help. This herb helps to treat flu.

Lavender - medical forms

You can start collecting the herb one week after the beginning of flowering of the lavender. You have to pick the blooms in the morning. Drying is carried out in a well-ventilated dark place. In the light the flowers can lose their beautiful and distinctive color.

Lavender is used in the form of syrups, potions and infusions, as well as the essential oil, which is used for medical purposes.

Lavender – recipes

The lavender syrup is made from 200 grams of fresh lavender buds. The buds should be covered with half a liter of boiling water, and pressed for 6-7 days. The liquid is then filtered and is added a kilogram of sugar or honey, mixed well, and then boiled while stirring, until it becomes a thick syrup.

The resulting syrup helps with nervous exhaustion , tachycardia , headache, colds. The syrup should be taken 1 teaspoon three times a day with water.  Partaking of the syrup should be 30 minutes before meals.

Lavender essential oil has a surprising effect of on human memory. It allows a person to quickly make the right decision in any stressful situation.

Swab with lavender oil helps in leaks in the ears. Five drops of lavender oil on a sugar cube contributes to the inciting of the appetite. In bronchitis take a few drops of lavender oil with one teaspoon of honey.

Infusions of lavender: Pour 2 tablespoons of the herb with 500 ml of boiling water, leave it to soak for 2 hours. Drink 150 ml three times daily before meals.

Lavender – contraindications

It is forbidden to use lavender oil during pregnancy, especially during the first few months. Lavender can help to reduce muscle of the uterus.

After abortion is also not recommended the use of lavender oil, for it may cause bleeding. Lavender cannot be used if the patient takes the drug with iodine or iron.

Use of lavender oil in large quantities may contribute to depression and irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Manufactured by: Herb Ltd.


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