Jericho Rose, Doradila, Rose of Jericho, Selaginella lepidophylla, 1 pc.

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The Jericho rose is known as the "flower of the resurrection" because of its ability to survive drought. In drought conditions, the stems of the plant are wrapped in a ball, and dissolve again only when exposed to moisture.
Regular Price €4.96 Special Price €3.58
Regular Price €4.96 Special Price €3.58

Дорадила, динозавърско цвете, възкръсващо, растение, Роза, Йерихон

Jericho Rose, Doradilla, Selaginella, ROSE OF JERICHO, Selaginella, La doradilla
Great gift for your loved ones, in secure packaging and delivery to you

The Jericho rose is known as the "flower of the resurrection" because of its ability to survive drought. In drought conditions, the stems of the plant are wrapped in a ball, and dissolve again only when exposed to moisture. The dried ball can survive for years and fully recover in just a few hours after being placed in water, and the dried leaves gradually unfold and regain their green color.

Doradila, Dinosaur Flower, Resurrection, Plant, Rose, JerichoResurrection Dinosaur Flower Doradila
The Jericho rose, also known as the "resurrection" plant, is one of the most unique examples of the wonders of nature. Apart from the fact that it can always preserve life in itself, it is considered an ancient symbol of health, luck and happiness. The reason for this is not accidental. Each plant brings its owners its qualities, and this plant brings into the home the incredible ability to revive life, to rise from moments of drought and lack of soil. So in the home that grows this plant, it brings life, grace and love.
In a period of rest, the Rose of Jericho, also called Doradila, shrinks its leaves inwards, dries completely and resembles a withered ball. In this way, the wind rolls the plant through the desert until it regains life-giving moisture. The resurrected plant undergoes a complete transformation when it has access to water. The deep-sleeping Jericho Rose opens in 3 to 4 hours. In the next one or two days it regains its green color and becomes an original plant with beautiful leaves, pleasing to the eye. In the attached VIDEO you will see how the dinosaur flower Doradila comes to life! The video was made with a plant that was stored without water for 4 years from 2017 to 2021.

Jericho flower, Dinosaur flower

The herb of life Selaginella
Apart from the legends of happiness that the plant brings with it, the Rose of Jericho is also a medicinal herb suitable for colds. Used in the form of tea or tincture. The Latin name of the plant is Selaginella lepidophylla and both the dried and green parts of the plant can be used.

How to revive the completely dried Jericho rose
Place the plant in a wide bowl with 2-3 cm of water at room temperature. After 15 minutes the plant begins to open and within 3 hours the petals dissolve in the form of a rosette. Within 24 hours, the tips of each branch of the rose completely dissolve and they gradually regain their bright green color. The plant increases its volume, so provide a large enough container, 3-4cm deep.

How to dry the Jericho Rose
Shrinkage of the plant, drying is done gradually. Without water, it loses its shape in about a day. If you want to keep it dry, wait for the plant to dry completely in a dry, shady and ventilated place. When dry, Doradila Rose is gray-brown and brittle, so carefully place it in a cardboard box or paper bag and store it out of direct sunlight.

Used in the form of tea, infusion of the herb.

How to use:
Doradila tea: 1 teaspoon of the dried herb is brewed for 5-10 minutes with 500 ml of boiling water. Strained and chilled tea is drunk 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals, in small sips.

Tincture of Doradila: the dried herb is poured with 50 degrees alc. in a glass jar until it covers the herb. It stays in the dark for 14 days, after which it is filtered and squeezed. How to use: 20 drops in a glass of water 3 times a day.

Delivery of the Jericho Rose
Packed in a cardboard box, with delivery within 2 working days and delivery price according to the chosen courier. 1 weighs over 25 grams, but varies according to the plant. The plant is sold at a price of 1 piece, and its price is not determined by weight.

Research on the action of the plant

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