Pure Himalayan Mumio, Shilazhit, Natural, 10gr - Bioherba

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Mumio helps to positively influence the function of bone tissue, nerve trunks, heart muscles.
0.080 kg.


Mumio helps to positively influence the function of bone tissue, nerve trunks, heart muscles; stimulates the processes of hematopoiesis, increases the ability of the liver to eliminate toxins. The mumio helps the body's defenses. This natural product favorably affects people with reduced physical strength, stressed people.

Recommended daily intake depending on body weight:

up to 50kg: 0.1g, 60-70kg: 0.2g, 71-80kg: 0.3g, 81-90kg: 0.4g, over 90kg: 0.5g. It is taken twenty minutes before a meal dissolved in 200 ml of water.


Do not take in pregnant and lactating women, children under 14 years of age, with kidney disease, with individual intolerance to the product.


100% Himalayan Mumio (shilazhit).

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